La tradizione filosofica dall’antico al moderno

History of Philosophy from the Ancient to the Modern Age


Autore / Author: Alice Ragni

Affiliazione / Author affiliation: Universität Münster

Titolo / Title: Note sulla questione dell’emendatio della filosofia prima: Clauberg, Leibniz, Wolff

Abstract: This essay investigates the way in which Wolff takes an interest in the hypothesis of an emendatio of the prima philosophia from Leibniz’s incitement in De primae philosophiae emendatione, et de notione substantiae (1694) to re-found metaphysics. This makes it possible, secondly, to examine the way in which Wolff takes Johannes Clauberg’s ontology as a model, even though it represents in his view only a failed attempt at that same emendatio. Through the analysis of the texts, this article considers the possibility of a new reading of the ‘failure’ attributed by Wolff to Clauberg, which would consist in his having ‘emended’ first philosophy by expelling it from the domain of ontology and finally identifying it with Cartesian prima philosophia.

Keywords: Leibniz; Wolff; Clauberg; first philosophy; ontology.

DOI: 10.14640/NoctuaXI7

Anno / Volume: XI

Fascicolo / Issue: 2

Pagine / Pages: 295-320

Pubblicazione / Publication date: 18/05/2024


E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni

ISSN 2284-1180