La tradizione filosofica dall’antico al moderno. Studi e testi

History of Philosophy from the Ancient to the Modern Age. Studies and Editions


Autore / Author: Igor Tavilla

Affiliazione / Author affiliation: Indipendente / Independent scholar

Titolo / Title: Gli stadi sulla “via della vita”. Un percorso interpretativo dalla Bibbia a Kierkegaard

Abstract: This paper aims at investigating the influence of biblical concepts on Søren Kierkegaard’s theory of stages. Starting with a terminological analysis on the term ‘stage’, in which several biblical references resound, I shed light on the typological structure which lies at the core of the three spheres of existence according to Kierkegaard: the aesthetic one (“first immediacy”), the ethical one (“infinite requirement”), and the religious one (“fulfillment”). Eventually, I show that a study of Kierkegaard’s biblical background can help to understand the paradoxical transition from each stage to next one, which can be conceived as the ontological passage from not-being to being (creation/Adam), from being to not being (annihilating power of the law/Moses), and from not being to being again (new creation/Christ).

Keywords: Kierkegaard; theory of stages; Bible; typology; leap.

English title: The Stages on the ‘Way of Life’. An Interpretative Journey from the Bible to Kierkegaard

DOI: 10.14640/QuadernidiNoctua2-10

Volume: 2

Pagine / Pages: 330-356

Pubblicazione / Publication date: 01/08/2014

Permalink: https://dx.doi.org/10.14640/QuadernidiNoctua2-10

E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni

ISSN 2723-9225