La tradizione filosofica dall’antico al moderno. Studi e testi

History of Philosophy from the Ancient to the Modern Age. Studies and Editions


Autore / Author: Christophe Grellard

Affiliazione / Author affiliation: École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris

Titolo / Title: Nominalisme et démonologie. L’imputabilité des croyances et le problème de l’hétérodoxie chez Guillaume de Manderston

Abstract: In his Bipartitum in morali philosophia, the Scottish philosopher William of Manderston, a pupil of John Mair, and an Ockhamist philosopher, is quoting a text of Antonin of Padua who distinguishes the factum opened to a juridical qualification from the inner belief, known by God alone. Quoting the same text, the authors of the Malleus maleficarum try hard to distinguish three distinct fields, the inner beliefs which belongs to God, the exterior acts, the facts, which are relevant for the judges, and the third field, which establishes a relation between the fact and the beliefs. This third field is proper to the inquisitors. Against this ethics of imputability, Manderston, relying on Ockham’s ethics, advocates an intentionalist ethics which depends on a sharp separation between interiority and exteriority. The soteriological dimension of the question entirely belongs to the inner life, whereas the exteriority is strictly disciplinary. By his radicality, Manderston appears as a paradigm of the modern dichotomy between conscience and law, Paolo Prodi once pointed out as a cornerstone of the religious modernity.

Keywords: Intention; belief; imputability; heresy; will; interiority.

English title: Nominalism and Demonology. The Imputability of Beliefs and the Problem of Heterodoxy in William Manderstown

DOI: 10.14640/QuadernidiNoctua5-20

Volume: 5

Pagine / Pages: 776-811

Pubblicazione / Publication date: 01/02/2019

Permalink: https://dx.doi.org/10.14640/QuadernidiNoctua5-20

E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni

ISSN 2723-9225